We spend a lot of time in Entertainment. Arts and Entertainment literally help create where the Internet is today. From giving us access to television, movies, and games. See these amazing and entertaining programs and finds online here. And you will see that we are part of the New Ways. These new ways empower the people. We are spreading wealth and happiness around the globe.
A new way to TV – ACCESS TV through your smartphone, computer, tablet. ALL FREE! We are part of a huge Movement called “The Performance Giving Network”. Sharing incredible programs and doing so in a way to attack Poverty and create a better way of Life for all. Get Access Here:
Crafting With Tanya. Arts and Entertainment is not always digital. And sometimes the simplest gestures that say “I care about you” can go a long, long ways to showing how much you care about your Loved Ones, Friends, and People that Matter in your everyday lives. See how by watching the YouTube Sensation HomeWithTanya and see how you can get Crafty. See the Details and See What is in Store Here:
Get Paid to Chat: We start with the World’s most Secure Chat Program. Complete with a Decentralized System that can never be compromised. Your privacy has never been more secure. Then we pay you to use it. Share it with others and earn even more. Start chatting and earning here:
Get Paid to Game: Now anyone can be considered a Pro Gamer. Making unlimited incomes to Play, Share and Connect through the rapid advancing world of Video Games. Though these are the latest in the expanding Entertainment World of Games. Wait till you see it all. Start earning as you enjoy the Latest in the Hottest Video Games Here:
TippingCircle: This is an incredible App. It is a Global Payment and Reward system that is connected to our very own “The Performance Giving Network”. Get connected and become part of the Movement to End Poverty and Increase the Quality of Life. You are about to become part of the change HERE:
The amount of online Entertainment available is unbelievable. What is more “unbelievable” is that our Entertainment has ways of helping the World. Keep visiting here for new stuff all the time. If you look at the programs above; you will find some of the most entertaining additions to our online entertainment. Be sure to visit us often as we update and add even more. When you join with our Free TV or enter into the TippingCircle; it all begins.
Wine Magic: Entertainment in it’s finest moments often includes the essence of Fine Wine. Be it Romance to Food and Wine Events, we all agree that the addition of Fine Wines into your Life is an absolute must. See the details and get connected with our Incredible Wine Access Here:
Fine Wines Each Month delivered To Your Door.
You can choose from an assorted mixture-all reds all white, or a mixture of both. Our incredable wine of the month club gives you this option. You can sample and experience these fine wines yourself or be a part of sharing this with others. No matter what your choice is you have that option with this amazing Wine Ambassador Club.